Instagram Follower & Like Bot – Open Source

instagram bot

İnstagram follower bot

It’s very important for the bot follower Instagram. The high number of followers in social media channels makes it possible for people to get more hits, to get higher ranks in search rankings, and to be popular in this way. Therefore, many social media sites, including Instagram, are looking for ways to increase followers. A photo-sharing site Instagram recently with video, which makes sharing possible, one of the most popular social media channels. And what does the bot follower mean?

How Does The Bot Follower Work?

For those who say how to do the bot Follower, first let’s explain what the bot Follower is. Bot Follower, a virtual follower means. In other words, real accounts that are located in various locations of the world, which are profile photos, share their own, fall into this category. However, they have been opened to gather followers. Thanks to bot Follower, your account will be monitored and your number of followers will be increased. They are cheap because they are not active and they ensure that the transaction is carried out easily. Pages or people who want to increase the number of followers with low wages often prefer this method.

Are There Any Disadvantages?

You have increased your number of followers, you have reached thousands or even tens of thousands. But if you say that there is a downside, it is that all your followers are foreigners. So when someone looks at the followers of you, they may doubt that the followers are strangers. The solution was found by the bot-Follower sites. Some sites keep track of you, as well as the people who actively use their account. Real followers are redirected to your profile so that the appear among the people who last followed you. So someone who looks at your profile doesn’t know you’re cheating. 1 month warranty period is given for the followings you receive, if the number of followings falls again, it is possible to make a request again. Some sites cancel their operations in case you receive a bot Follower from another site because they care about loyal customers.instagram follower bot

  • instagram Bot

Basic Installation:

  1. Download chromedriver for your system from here. Extract the .zip file and put it in /assets folder.

Preferred Installation:

The best way to install InstaPy is to create a virtualenv, install InstaPy there and run it from a separate file:

If you’re not familiar with virtualenv, please read about it here and use it to your advantage. In essence, this is be the onlyPython library you should install as root (e.g., with sudo). All other Python libraries should be inside a virtualenv. Now copy/paste the Python code below and run your first InstaPy script. Remember to run it with Python from the virtualenv, so from venv/bin/python. To make sure which Python is used, run which python, it will tell you which Python is ‘active’. Running source venv/bin/activate will activate the correct Python to run InstaPy. To exit an activated virtualenv run `deactivate’.

Install instagram Bot

Basic setup is a good way to test the tool. At project root folder open and update with your username and password.

Execute it:



instagram Bot Commenting

instagram Bot Following

instagram Bot Following by a list

This will follow each account from a list of instagram nicknames

only follows a user once (if unfollowed again) would be useful for the precise targeting
sleep_delay is used to define break time after some good following (averagely ~10 follows)
For example, if one needs to get followbacks from followers of a chosen account/group of accounts.

  • You can also interact with the followed users by enabling interact=True which will use the configuration of set_user_interact setting:


instagram auto bot
instagram auto bot

instagram Bot Follow someone else’s followers

Note: simulation takes place while running this feature.

instagram Bot Follow users that someone else is following

Note:simulation takes place while running this feature.

instagram Bot Follow someone else’s followers/following

instagram Bot Follow by Tags

instagram Bot Follow the likers of photos of users

This will follow the people those liked photos of given list of users

in this case 2 random photos from each given user will be analyzed and 3 people who liked them will be followed, so 6 follows in total
The usernames can be any list
The photos_grab_amount is how many photos will I grat from users profile and analyze who liked it
The follow_likers_per_photo is how many people to follow per each photo
randomize=False will take photos from newes, true will take random from first 12
sleep_delay is used to define break time after some good following (averagely ~10 follows)

  • You can also interact with the followed users by enabling interact=True which will use the configuration of set_user_interact setting:

instagram Bot Follow the commenters of photos of users

This will follow the people those commented on photos of given list of users

in this case (max 100 newest photos & maximum 365 days old) from each given user will be analyzed and 100 people who commented the most will be followed
The usernames can be any list
The amount is how many people to follow
The daysold will only take commenters from photos no older than daysold days
The max_pic will limit number of photos to analyze
sleep_delay is used to define break time after some good following (averagely ~10 follows)

  • You can also interact with the followed users by enabling interact=True which will use the configuration of set_user_interact setting:

Interact with specific users

Interact with users that someone else is following

Note: simulation takes place while running this feature.

Interact with someone else’s followers

Note: simulation takes place while running this feature.

Interact on posts at given URLs

Like, comment, follow on the post in the links provided, also can interact the owner of the post

To use, define all of the interaction settings and start the feature right away!


Contains the URLs of the posts to be interacted.

  • You can provide URLs in these formats:
    full: ""
    just post link: ""
    just post handle: "Aj0J4bJDY7r/?taken-at=128316221"
    just post ID: "Aj0J4bJDY7r"

Shuffles the order of the URLs in the given list before starts to interact.

Use it if you like to also interact the post owner after doing interactions on the post itself.



instagram bot Unfollowing

Unfollows the accounts you’re following

It will unfollow ~10 accounts and sleep for ~10 minutes and then will continue to unfollow…

There are 4 Unfollow methods available to use:

|> customList |> InstapyFollowed |> nonFollowers |> allFollowing

1 – Unfollow specific users from a CUSTOM list (has 2 tracks- "all" and "nonfollowers"):
when track is "all", it will unfollow all of the users in a given list;

if track is "nonfollowers", it will unfollow all of the users in a given list WHO are not following you back;

  • PRO: customList method can any kind of iterable container, such as list, tuple or set.

2 – Unfollow the users WHO was followed by InstaPy (has 2 tracks- "all" and "nonfollowers"):
again, if you like to unfollow all of the users followed by InstaPy, use the track"all";

but if you like you unfollow only the users followed by InstaPy WHO do not follow you back, use the track"nonfollowers";

3 – Unfollow the users WHO do not follow you back:

4Just unfollow, regardless of a user follows you or not:

Parameters (all of these parameters apply to all of the 4 methods available):

You can choose unfollow style as "FIFO" (First-Input-First-Output) OR "LIFO" (Last-Input-First-Output) OR "RANDOM".

  • with "FIFO", it will unfollow users in the exact order they are loaded ("FIFO" is the default style unless you change it);
  • with "LIFO” it will unfollow users in the reverse order they were loaded;
  • with "RANDOM" it will unfollow users in the shuffled order;

By using this, you can unfollow users only after following them certain amount of time.
it will help to provide seamless unfollow activity without the notice of the target user
To use it, just add unfollow_after parameter with the desired time interval, e.g.,

will unfollow users only after following them 48 hours (2 days).

  • Since unfollow_afters value is in seconds, you can simply give it unfollow_after=3600 to unfollow after 3600seconds.
    Yeah, values kind of 1*60*60– which is also equal to 1 hour or 3600 seconds, is much more easier to use.

Sure if you like to not use it, give the value of Noneunfollow_after=None.

Sleep delay sets the time it will sleep after every ~10 unfollows (default delay is ~10 minutes).

NOTE: You should know that, in one RUN, unfollow_users feature can take only one method from all 4 above.
That’s why, it is best to disable other 3 methods while using a one:

here the unfollow method- customList is used
OR just keep the method you want to use and remove other 3 methods from the feature

here the unfollow method- alFollowing is used

Don’t unfollow active users

Interactions based on the number of followers and/or following a user has

This is used to check the number of followers and/or following a user has and if these numbers either exceed the number set OR does not pass the number set OR if their ratio does not reach desired potency ratio then no further interaction happens

Use enabled=True to activate this feature, and enabled=False to deactivate it, any time
delimit_by_numbers is used to activate & deactivate the usage of max & min values
potency_ratio accepts values in 2 formats according to your style: positive & negative

  • potency_ratio with POSITIVE values can be used to route interactions to only potential (real) users WHOSEfollowers count is higher than following count (e.g., potency_ratio = 1.39)
    find desired potency_ratio with this formula: potency_ratio == followers count / following count (use desired counts)

e.g., target user has 5000 followers & 4000 following and you set potency_ratio=1.35.
Now it will not interact with this user, cos the user’s relationship ratio is 5000/4000==1.25 and 1.25 is belowdesired potency_ratio of 1.35

  • potency_ratio with NEGATIVE values can be used to route interactions to only massive followers WHOSEfollowing count is higher than followers count (e.g., potency_ratio = -1.42)
    find desired potency_ratio with this formula: potency_ratio == following count / followers count (use desired counts)

e.g., target user has 2000 followers & 3000 following and you set potency_ratio = -1.7.
Now it will not interact with this user, cos the user’s relationship ratio is 3000/2000==1.5 and 1.5 is belowdesired potency_ratio of 1.7 (note that, negative - sign is only used to determine your style, nothing more)

There are 3 COMBINATIONS available to use:
  • 1. You can use potency_ratio or not (e.g., potency_ratio=None, delimit_by_numbers=True) – will decide only by your pre-defined max & min values regardless of the potency_ratio
  • 2. You can use only potency_ratio (e.g., potency_ratio=-1.5, delimit_by_numbers=False) – will decide perpotency_ratio regardless of the pre-defined max & min values

apparently, once delimit_by_numbers gets False value, max & min values do not matter

  • 3. You can use both potency_ratio and pre-defined max & min values together (e.g., potency_ratio=2.35, delimit_by_numbers=True) – will decide per potency_ratio & your pre-defined max & min values

All of the 4 max & min values are able to freely operate, e.g., you may want to only delimit max_followers and min_following (e.g., max_followers=52639, max_following=None, min_followers=None, min_following=2240)

via: Github