
The programming language is a standardized notation that the programmer uses to express a particular algorithm. A programmer can use different programming languages to write commands. Programming languages allow the programmer to tell the computer exactly what data to process, how to store and forward the data, and under what conditions the data will be processed. So far, more than 2,500 programming languages have been developed.

Programming languages are divided into 3 groups according to their proximity to People’s perception.

Low-level programming languages are very close to machine code.Machine dominance has evolved quite well.People who know these programming languages have to know about microprocessors.(Like Assembly programming language))

Intermediate programming languages: these languages are very flexible, they can be both upper and lower level programming. It’s a little more understandable than low-level languages. (C programming language.)

High level programming languages: an event-based programming languages called programming languages and programming certain functions only work around they reduce the dominance of this alone. The fastest and most effective programming languages are in this category. (such as Visual Basic and pic basic Pro) compared to other programming languages more easily learned and applied are the most appropriate language for beginners because high level programming languages.

The program written in high-level programming languages must be translated into machine language in order to function. For this purpose, the compiler of that language is used whenever the program is written with a high level language. Thus, the source program written in high-level programming language is converted to the purpose program in machine language. It is possible to change the contents of the source program, but there is no way to interfere with the contents of the compiled program.

Programming Languages

Assembly Language Programming

The assembly language is a low-level programming language and is used to write complex programs. Assembly replaces the numerical expressions of the machine language that are difficult to understand by humans with alphabetical expressions that are easier to understand and programmable, creating an environment for low-level programming.

Assembly language programs are closely tied to a target computer architecture, unlike high-level programming languages that are often platform-independent.The purpose of using assembly is to ensure that programs written on the first computers contain fewer errors and take less time.

Assembler is a program that converts assembly language into machine code, and the most important feature that distinguishes assembly from assembly is a one-to-one conversion.

The assembly language, which was once widely used in programming, has less usage space today. This language is primarily used when it comes to direct hardware manipulation or abnormal performance issues. Typical applications are device drivers, embedded systems, and real-time applications.
Basic Programming Language
Basic (Beginner’s all Purpose Symbolic Instruction code) language developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz in 1964, is an educational programming language. Paul Allen and Bill Gates, the founders of Microsoft, wrote the first basic application for microcomputers. It is a simple and easy-to-use language to learn and use in the time of the basic language QBasic, Turbo Basic, Power Basic, Basica, Visual Basic, Visual Basic Basic.Net such variants have been developed.

C Programming Language

C and C++ programming languages A C programming language developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie in 1972 in the early 1970s , is now used in almost all operating systems. The world’s most widely used programming language.

The first development phase of C took place in AT&T Bell Laboratories between 1969 and 1974. According to Ritchie, the most creative circuit was 1972. Since many features of the language are derived from a language called “b”, the new language is called “c”.In 1983, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) established a committee to create a C standard, and this committee completed the standard in 1989 and completed the standard ANSI x3.Programming language (C programming language) was published in 159-1989. This version of the language is often called ANSI C.

The majority of C programs that are currently being written are written in accordance with ANSI C standard. A program written using standard C can be compiled and run correctly with each standard-compliant compiler. However, programs written using non-standard libraries may require a certain platform or compiler.

C++ Programming Language

In the early 1980s Bjarne Stroustrup developed by C covering and multi-paradigm, widely used, general purpose programming language. In general, every C Program is also a c++ program, but not every C++ Program is a C Program. The most basic feature that separates C++from C is the classes, which allow C++to be an object-oriented language. Classes can create new data types or create new ones from existing ones.

Operators are one of the structures that C++inherits and develops from C. A set of specially-meaning functions. However, these functions are not called in a routine way, they are evaluated specifically within the semantic structure of the language. Operators are often called by placing a special sign between two objects. For example, to assemble two objects, you would simply place a ‘+’ between the two objects. This indicates that the compiler will call the ‘ + ‘ operator. Unlike C, you can customize most of the operators in C++overloading.

Compiling C++ Program source code consists of three phases: preprocessor, code conversion, and binding. The preprocessor, which is the first stage, can be seen as a simple interpreter. At this stage, simple lexical changes can be made in code to be compiled with the help of a number of directives. The preprocessor directives begin with the # character, interpreted by the preprocessor after this character, and must be preceded by a white space(tab and space). A number of rules can be set on the codes to be compiled with the help of these directives. It can also be used to include another file in the file or to give instructions specific to the Processor.

C# Programming Language

The C # language is also a c ++ derivation. In the C programming language, the ++ suffix is used to omit an integer variable 1. The C++ language has been named add-ins (C with Classes) for programming Object Oriented with C language. Similarly, the new into the C language by the plug-ins (C)) was taken a step further, and completely object-oriented designed C# language for the naming of, + of the characters got close to each other and a melody with the key of C# major scale was used.

C# is a simple , modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is one of the most active programming languages that contribute to the development of the concept of object-oriented programming.

Visual Basic Programming Language

Visual Basic is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft on the basic programming language, which is an event-driven, top-level, object-oriented, and visual programming language.Microsoft Visual Basic:

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is used to develop software that can work in different software, such as Microsoft Office.

VBScript is the variant used to run Visual Basic scripts on top of Internet Explorer, ASP, and Windows Script Host.

Visual Basic Basic.NET Visual Basic 6.0 is the successor to the Visual Basic 6.0 platform, but it is a different structure .It runs on the .NET Framework and is backward compatible with Visual Basic 6.0 and earlier versions of code.

Pascal Programming Language

Pascal programming language, developed by computer scientist Niklaus Wirth in 1970 to make structural programming much easier for compilers, is one of the most important programming languages that teaches many students computer programming and continues to be widely used in various versions today. Pascal, whose name was derived from mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal, was derived from Algol programming language.

In Pascal, All Programs start with the keyword “program”, followed by a block that is limited to the keywords “Begin” / “end”. The size and size of the letters in Pascal is not important. Expressions are separated by semicolons, and programs are terminated with a period. For some compilers, the “program” line is not required.

In the original case, Pascal is a fully procedural language and the programs consist of structures such as if, while, for, and so on.

Pascal and C languages were developed at the same time, and there are important similarities between them. The original Pascal and C are both small and procedural languages that make up the idea of structured programming. Dynamic memory allocation and pointer processing are possible in both. However, these two languages look different from the outside.

Delphi Programming Language

Delphi programming language, especially the Visual version of the turbo Pascal language structured with the understanding of object-oriented programming can be called. Object, class, inheritance, function, overloading is a powerful and flexible programming language that includes basic object orientation programming techniques and more.

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