How to use MongoDB with C#


C Programming


in this article we will examine how MongoDB is integrated with C#.

NoSQL systems are grouped into three groups based on document-based, key/value-based, and graphic-based. MongoDB is document-based and is the easiest to use.

The current version of mongodb is 2.4.6. you can download it free of charge from.

After downloading what is appropriate to our system C: under the folder called mongodb create a zip file into this folder.

Keeping our database files C:datadb our folder needs to be found. ( Note : This folder is fixed, and should not be in a different job. )

the above code will test our connection to our database.

Create a class called Personel




As you can see, with MongoDB, database operations can be easily done, such systems in large projects save us from writing long codes.

I share a link to some of the MongoDB management systems :